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Guiyang sets record for summer rail transport volumes

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2021-08-04


Passengers check in at Guiyang North Railway Station in Guiyang city, on July 31.[Photo/Guiyang news network] 

The combined passenger traffic of the three major railway stations in Guiyang city, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province, topped 3.4 million in July, setting a record for summer vacation rail transport compared with the same month in previous years.

On July 1-31, the passenger volumes at Guiyang Railway Station, Guiyang North Railway Station and Guiyang East Railway Station increased 36.3 percent year-on-year.

Respectively, the passenger traffic of Guiyang North Railway Station reached 2.41 million during the period, followed by Guiyang East Railway Station's 387,100 and Guiyang Railway Station's 608,000. 

"Since the start of the summer vacation transportation, rail passenger traffic has increased rapidly and especially on July 17 the daily passenger traffic of the three major railway stations amounted to 141,400, exceeding the peaks of the previous Spring Festival travel rush periods," said a senior official at Guiyang Railway Station. 

The proportion of passengers being moved by high-speed rail increased to over 80 percent from 60 percent in previous years, the official added.


A wide view of Guiyang North Railway Station, on July 31 [Photo/Guiyang news network]

This indicated that high-speed rail had become the mainstay of Guizhou's rail transportation and the number of high-speed rails in Guizhou has been increasing year by year. 

When the summer vacation travel season began, the Guizhou Railway Department coordinated with novel coronavirus epidemic prevention and control and transportation organizations, dynamically analyzing the flow of passengers and flexibly adjusting its rail operations. 

Regular and conventional-speed trains from Guiyang Railway Station to Zhenyuan county, Caohai in Weining county and Zhaotong city, as well as high-speed trains from Guiyang North Railway Station to Chengdu East Railway Station, Chongqing West Railway Station, Fuzhou, Tongren, Zunyi, Bijie and Kaili cities have been added to meet the travel needs of people. 

In August, Guizhou Railway will continue to add conventional-speed and high-speed trains in a timely manner, based on changes in passenger flows.

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